Tom Barthel Consulting

Parent Coaching


Tom Barthel works side-by-side with parents who have careers and businesses to help them achieve specific goals, whether it be to keep a teenager in school and prevent them from further drug use, or assist a young adult child to get completely off drugs and into employment.

Tom provides action plans for parents that
help motivate their teens and young adult
children off of drugs and alcohol, out of
criminal behaviour, and to overcome
mental health problems. His plans help
parents know what to do and how to do it.
What to say and how to say it, and when.
These plans are not based on opinion or
theory, which helps avoid controversy and
ideology. They are simply based on
observations of what 100 other families with
struggling youth have done, and on Tom’s
experiece as a former drug dealer and
troubled youth himself.

The Chinese symbol for break through includes three elements:
A sudden, dramatic, and important development.
Tom helps clients understand that a young person can be put through a sudden, dramatic, and important development.  Young people with troubles have breakthroughs all the time, and it  can be done to them on purpose.

Teens At Home:

Action Plans:  

A Communication Blueprint:

Curfews, Chores, and School Attendance:

Young Adults Out of Home:

Chronological Action Steps:  

A One-Time Communication Reset:

Household Rules Template:

All Parents:

Collection of Anecdotes:

All Action Plans:

I was very pleased with the courses on the weekend and have begun some of the homework. My first task was to share some personal experiences with my daughter and her response was incredible. She began to open up to me and express some of her feelings. I have many tasks yet to accomplish on my homework and will keep you informed.

Susan P., Parent and Educational professional, Saskatoon, Sk, Canada

I just wanted to let you know that I feel we are off to a great start and know there are challenging and painful growth in our future, but it will be well worth it. Thank you again for great information. I will wait to call you as I would like to get farther on my homework so I can take full advantage of the 30 free minutes of consultation that you are providing.

Melinda N., Parent and Health care professional, Grand Rapids, Michigan, U.S.A